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Construction Accident Lawyers

Construction workers are always at risk for injury in their job, and it turns out that a large number of them get hurt each year. Sometimes, these injuries often put an end to a career before it even starts! Falls, use of machinery, and equipment malfunctions are the most common causes of these injuries.
A construction accident attorney is there to help you and your family through a work injury process. Although every state requires employers to provide workers’ compensation insurance for their employees, the benefits may not be sufficient to pay the costs of construction workers’ injuries.
Unfortunately, many injured construction workers are unaware that they may be able to seek further compensation under certain circumstances.  Therefore, construction workers, who have been injured at work, should immediately seek legal counsel.
The Thomas Hunter Law Firm in Savannah, GA, has experience with workplace injuries, particularly those suffered on construction sites. Mr. Hunter is experienced with the rules and regulations that govern these claims and can assist you in navigating these laws to recover compensation for your losses.

6 Benefits Of Hiring A Construction Accident Attorney

1. The Attorney Holds All The Parties Involved Accountable.

A construction project usually involves employees, vendors, and workers from many different organizations working together. As a result, construction and utility workers, deliverymen, subcontractors, and others are on the same job site at the same time.  Sometime their paths cross.  Sometimes they don’t know what someone else is doing.  Sometimes they create dangerous situations for other workers.  Although workers’ compensation awards may cover expenses for injured construction employees, many construction site accidents are caused by situations involving third parties who the employers do not employ and who do not qualify as “statutory” employers (or similar) who are afforded expanded exemptions from suit. A construction accident lawyer will immediately follow the lines of employment and events that led to the injury and assist in determining who else may have contributed to it.

In addition, a lawyer who has handled construction site litigation understands what types of evidence to collect to support a liability case. If a worker wins workers’ compensation benefits, this information can support future construction accident cases. Finally, an experienced lawyer with a thorough understanding of construction site laws and regulations can assess if a construction worker’s injury was caused by a failure or malfunction of equipment or safety.

2. Attorneys Have The Ability To Bargain With Insurers.

Accidents on construction sites can result in anything from bruises and injuries to death.
If you are injured at work, there’s a chance your worker’s compensation insurer may deny your claim.  There is a chance all of your medical expenses and income losses may not be paid.  You need to take the necessary steps to protect yourself by getting as much information as possible about what happened at the construction site. Recovery, medical or other expenditures, and the emotional exhaustion that follows a construction site accident, may overwhelm an injured worker and his family. Furthermore, the injured person may be concerned about future financial obligations and mistakenly accept an insurer’s first settlement offer, which may be insufficient to cover their accident-related costs.

Injured construction workers and their families can avoid accepting settlements that only cover a portion of their damages by hiring an experienced lawyer familiar with insurance processes and interacting with adjusters. A skilled lawyer can also establish a case’s acceptable worth and use it to negotiate with an adjuster.

3. Attorneys Have The Ability To Advocate For The Rights of Injured Workers.

Workers whose employers fail to file claims can hire an attorney to advocate for their rights. Workers’ compensation insurance carries a high premium since construction work is highly hazardous. Furthermore, premium prices rise as the number of claims rises. It is against the law for most employers to fail to carry this coverage in most places.  If a worker is injured, he has the right to expect his employer to notice the insurer of the claim. 

Nonetheless, construction company owners may refuse to file workers’ compensation claims on behalf of injured employees to prevent premium hikes and to keep OSHA off their backs. A lawyer can advise a construction worker on what to do if an employer refuses to file a claim or misfiles claim documentation. A lawyer, for example, could contact employers and clarify their responsibilities in the event of a claim being filed. They can go directly to insurers to initiate the process. They can appeal claim denials by prosecuting claims with the Workers’ Compensation Boards.  Finally, a lawyer will advise a client on whether to pursue claims for damages not covered by workers’ compensation insurance, if an appropriate third-party claim can be made.  

4. Attorneys Assist Their Clients In Determining The True Worth Of Their Claims.

Most insurance adjusters work hard to keep settlement amounts to a minimum. Hence, rather than making decisions that benefit injured construction workers, they help their employers. On the other hand, an experienced attorney can assist injured workers, and their families in determining the value of their claims by pointing out benefits and damages they may have overlooked. Many workers, for example, may assume that a reasonable settlement covers their immediate out-of-pocket expenses and ignore a broader spectrum of losses, such as:

  • Future income losses
  • Expenses incurred throughout the recovery process due to transportation
  • Fees for medical related travel
  • Long-term care expenses

Lawyers who grasp the extent of an accident’s impact on their clients’ lives will fight to obtain the highest payment possible. They are also aware of settlements involving similar accidents, which they might use as rationale or precedent for seeking damages.

5. Attorneys File Lawsuits On Behalf Of Their Clients.

Even when construction businesses follow adequate safety measures and standards, accidents resulting in injuries can occur on building sites. Things, like third-party  activities or negligence or malfunctioning equipment can cause on-site injuries.

Scaffolds that do not support the correct weight or malfunctioning forklifts are examples of defective equipment. Workers injured due to faulty equipment may file a lawsuit against the manufacturer for compensation. They must, nevertheless, show that they and their employers were unaware of the faults with the equipment.

Workers’ compensation does not cover third-party construction site litigation, which allows for damages like those in other personal injury lawsuits. For example, a construction worker injured due to faulty equipment may be entitled to recover general damages, like for his pain and suffering, and for punitive damages, if appropriate.  These damages can be substantial for many wounded construction workers, mainly when injuries result in losing bodily functions or long-term physical and mental suffering.

6. Attorneys Can Generally Assist Their Clients In Resolving Their Claims Faster.

When injured, construction workers who call a construction accident lawyer might avoid lengthy claims procedures. Missing or erroneous paperwork is a major stumbling block to resolving most claims. A construction accident legal firm can help you with every stage of the claims procedure and anticipate all of the proof and paperwork that insurance will require, such as:

  • Bills and medical documents
  • Expenses incurred by workers due to accidents
  • Photos from the scene of an accident
  • Statements from witnesses

Lawyers are also more likely than clients to receive timely updates and a fair settlement offer from an adjuster during the claims process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Are the Risks That Lead To Construction Accidents?

Most construction employees who were hurt at work did so while working on uneven or unstable surfaces, operating heavy machinery, or executing tasks in a dangerous setting without enough training. Many accidents happen in construction zones on construction sites and highways when the public is kept out by erecting barriers, using signage, and erecting fences. When working on the construction site or in the construction zone perimeter, workers must wear protective equipment as a safety precaution. Many construction accidents occur every year due to failure to someone’s failure to  follow safety requirements.

Who Is In Charge Of Starting And Maintaining A Construction Accident Prevention Program?

Safe workplaces are in everyone’s best interest.  Construction companies usually establish and maintain general safety and health procedures to keep workers safe. The employer will often have a safety engineer or a risk manager, who will inspect the job site, equipment, and supplies regularly and hold meeting with workers geared to safety measures.  Safe workplaces lead to better productivity and reduce the costs that would be incurred with worker injuries.

Proper training in safety procedures also reduces the prospect of project downtime once an accident occurs.

After A Construction Accident, Do I Need An Attorney?

Personal injury law, particularly construction accident lawsuits, can be tricky to understand. If you’ve been hurt, you’ll need a personal injury lawyer to help you figure out who was to blame for your accident. You won’t be able to recover any damages owed to you if you wait too long and the statute of limitations runs out. It is always a good idea to consult an attorney as soon as possible to find out what you may be entitled to and to improve your prospects of getting a fair amount of compensation to cover your losses.

Reliable Construction Accident Lawyer In Savannah, GA

Construction sites can involve hazards that require property owners, employees, subcontractors, government officials, and anyone else to exercise caution. Construction employees, who provide the labor and use the equipment on a job site, are unfortunately the ones who are most exposed to hazards and dangers that can result in debilitating injuries or death.
Although workers’ compensation can usually provide some benefits from a construction site injury, the benefits are sometimes insufficient to compensate for the financial hardships that construction accidents cause workers and their families.
If you or a loved one has been injured on the job, contact Thomas Hunter Law Firm right away to schedule a free consultation to discuss your options. Allow us to assist you in securing your financial future and your peace of mind.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a condition that can impact your life significantly. For example, some people experience cognitive disabilities, while others may have impaired physical functions following the trauma to their heads.  Motor vehicle, bus and truck accidents, sports injuries and other instances where the head is injured can lead to permanent or temporary impairment in multiple ways.

To Schedule A Consultation,

Contact Thomas Hunter Law Firm At (912) 231-1116 Now!

Thomas Hunter Law Firm

7505 Waters Ave, A1 Savannah, GA 31406 (912)231-1116

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