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Burn Injury Lawyers

A burn injury can be excruciatingly painful and dangerous. This type of injury may have long-term ramifications that influence every aspect of your life.

If your damage was caused by another party’s negligence, whether due to a fire, a faulty product, or something else, you may have a burn injury claim that can be made.  An experienced burn injury attorney can assist you with the legal process. Your lawyer will examine the facts of your case and devise a plan to make a just and fair recovery for you.

Thomas Hunter Law Firm is a personal injury law firm representing burn accident victims due to someone else’s carelessness.

Our experienced personal injury attorney will guide you through your case seeking just and fair compensation. Thomas Hunter Law Firm can provide the representation you need.

What You Should Know About Burn Injuries

What Are The Causes Of Burn Injuries?

The causes of burn injuries can be classified into four main categories:

1. Thermal

These are burns that are caused when a person comes into contact with a hot object. A hot object can be anything that holds or generates high heat, such as fire, steam, scalding liquid, etc.

2. Radiation

Exposure to levels of UV rays, X-rays, or other forms of radiation can cause radiation burns. Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays – sunburn – is the most common cause of radiation burns. While the damage done by thermal burns generally appears quickly following contact with a hot object, radiation burns might take days or even weeks to appear.

3. Chemical

If you touch or ingest various caustic substances, acids, or solvents, chemical burns can occur. These substances react adversely with the body’s tissues.  Chemical burns are often caused by the misuse of everyday household products, such as cleaning or cosmetic solutions. Another prominent cause of chemical burns reason comes from the handling of corrosive chemicals at work.

4. Electrical

Electricity is an essential utility in the modern world, but it poses danger and must be handled with care.  An electrical burn can occur when electricity comes into contact with your skin. If someone touches exposed wiring from an appliance, if children bite on electrical cords or stick their fingers in electrical outlets, or if someone makes wiring repairs without first turning off the power source, electrical burns can occur. The amount and duration of the exposure and the characteristics of the electrical power, all figure into the level of harm that can result.  The harm might range from a minor skin irritation/burn to significant tissue and organ damage, or even death.

What Are The Various Kinds Of Burns?

Burns are classified by their severity. 

1. First-Degree

A first-degree burn is a slight burn that affects your skin’s top layer. Skin redness, itching, discomfort, and swelling are all possible symptoms. You may observe skin peeling in the burn area after a day or two. Because the discomfort is usually minor and of short duration, it may not necessitate medical attention.

2. Second-Degree

Second-degree burns, which affect the top two layers of your skin, are more severe than first-degree burns. Severe sunburn, fire exposure, or contact with boiling water can all cause this form of burn. Blisters, wetness, discoloration, and extreme discomfort are all symptoms of the affected area.

Second-degree burns might be modest in some cases, but they can also be severe and even life-threatening in others. Longer recovery times are also likely, with full recovery spanning several weeks.  Due to the increased possibility of infection presented by 2nd degree burns, medical care is recommended.

3. Third-Degree

This type of burn, also known as full-thickness burns, destroys the top two layers of the skin and the fat tissues. As a result, your skin may appear burnt, white, brown, or black. It could also have a leathery, dry texture. Third-degree burns require urgent medical attention. Often, extensive therapy is required, including possible skin transplants and surgery.

4. Fourth-Degree

A fourth-degree burn is a severe burn that destroys your skin’s top layers, tissues, nerves, and maybe even muscles. It may appear burned, and there may even be visible bone. However, you may not immediately experience pain commensurate with the damage, because many nerves are most likely injured.

A fourth-degree burn is a medical emergency, which requires immediate,  emergency care. The longer you wait for treatment, the worse the effects might be, including loss of tissue and bone, amputation or death.

Who Is Responsible For Burn Injuries?

The compensation you may receive is influenced by who is responsible for your burn damage. If the burn occurs on the job, you may receive those benefits allowed under workers’ compensation.  If the burn occurs due to the negligence of a third party, special, general and even punitive dames may be recovered.  The following entities, among others, are sometimes responsible for burn injuries:

  1. A malfunctioning product’s manufacturer
  2. A property owner, where a burn injury occurred on their property
  3. An employer, whose employee suffers a burn while in the course and scope of the employment

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is A Burn Injury?

Radiation, sunshine, electricity, chemicals, and heat can all cause tissue damage and result in a burn. In addition, inhaling heated air, such as steam, touching or ingesting hot liquids, contacting certain gasses or flammable substances, or coming into contact with fire can cause scalding, burns, or inhalation injuries.

  • How Long Do Burns Take To Heal?

First-degree burns usually take a week to ten days to recover completely. It usually takes two to three weeks for severe second-degree burns to heal completely. Scarring or discoloration can occur as a result of the healing process. Third-degree and fourth-degree burns will most likely necessitate surgery, which may include skin grafts. Multiple procedures and a long recovery time are expected for third-degree and fourth-degree burns.

  • How Much Time Do I Have To File A Lawsuit For A Burn Injury?

Burn injuries, like other forms of injury, are subject to state-specific statutes of limitation.  If you do not bring a lawsuit within the applicable statute of limitations, you may lose your right to compensation. Therefore, to protect your legal rights, we strongly advise you to contact Thomas Hunter Law Firm as soon as possible.

Burn Injury Attorneys In Savannah, GA

If you have suffered a burn injury, it’s essential to know your legal rights. Thomas Hunter Law Firm’s skilled burn injury attorney has over forty years of experience representing injured clients in Savannah and surrounding areas.  We are ready to prosecute your claim aggressively. So, get in touch with us right away to talk about your case!

Head injuries are prevalent when motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians are involved in car accidents or traffic accidents. These injuries can be external or internal, and they can affect the brain in some way, ranging from minor concussions to irreversible brain damage. Head injuries can cause symptoms and consequences immediately or take hours or even days to manifest. That is why anyone who suffers a head injury in an accident should seek immediate medical help, as soon as an injury is suspected or when symptoms appear.

Call Thomas Hunter Law Firm

At (912)231-1116 To Book an Appointment Now!

Thomas Hunter Law Firm
7505 Waters Ave, A1 Savannah, GA 31406

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