
Bus Accident Lawyers
Buses are a common sight on the highways. Thousands of commuters rely on school buses, city buses, charter buses, tour buses, and other similar vehicles to safely transport passengers from point A to point B every day. Unfortunately, bus accidents can happen to anyone, and they’re usually more devastating than expected. In addition, a bus accident can be devastating for those involved financially and emotionally. An experienced bus accident lawyer can assist you in collecting the compensation you deserve if you are struggling to move ahead after being a bus accident victim.
Thomas Hunter Law Firm is a leading bus accident law firm in Savannah, GA. We have dedicated ourselves to assisting bus accident victims in Savannah, GA. Our tenacious strategy has resulted in the recovery of a lot of money in compensation for our clients.
If you are injured in a bus accident in Savannah, GA, we are here to help you. So don’t hesitate to contact us!
Bus Accidents 101

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Bus Collisions?
The most common causes of bus accidents are the same as other vehicles. Bus accidents are caused by various factors, including alcohol, inattentive driving, speeding, and inexperienced drivers. Phone usage while driving is becoming increasingly common, particularly among bus drivers. Those few seconds of distraction could result in the bus crossing into another lane and the driver overcorrecting. While this is risky enough in a smaller vehicle, any unexpected movement in a bus can result in a severe collision. There are a few other factors that contribute to bus accidents, including:
- Negligence or distraction by the driver
- Poor road conditions
- Defective vehicles and equipment
- Issues with weight distribution impacting stability
What Injuries Do Bus Accident Victims Typically Suffer?
A bus accident can result in injuries ranging from back and muscle pain to catastrophic life-altering disabilities, including paralysis or amputation of limbs. Rollovers are more likely in buses, which can result in devastating injuries. The following are some of the most common bus accident injuries:
- Lacerations
- Sprains of the back
- Bones broken, fractured, or dislocated
- Whiplash
- Sprains of the neck
- Trauma to the spinal cord
- Traumatic brain injuries
In The Event Of A Bus Accident, Who Is To Blame?
If you want to get compensation for your case, you’ll need to figure out who is responsible for the accident. A claim or lawsuit may involve multiple parties in some instances. The following are the most common parties to blame:
1. Bus drivers
While behind the wheel, bus drivers are responsible for your safety. Some accidents are caused by bus drivers, who may be driving while intoxicated, may be driving too fast, or who may be inattentive.
2. Bus companies
Companies are required to keep their fleets of vehicles in good working order and they may be vicariously responsible for the wrongful acts of their drivers. They must hire qualified drivers to operate their buses and they must follow all applicable laws and regulations. If the bus company fails to follow the rules, they may be held liable.
3. Other motorists
When multiple vehicles are involved in a collision, other negligent drivers may also be held accountable for the accident.
What Should I Do If A Bus Accident Occurs?
Bus accidents can result in various medical issues, as we have mentioned, ranging from minor bumps, bruises, and scrapes to more severe injuries such as shattered bones, internal damage, and even death. After all, buses are large vehicles and when large, heavy buses crash with smaller, lighter passenger cars, the consequences for the smaller vehicle’s occupants can be disastrous. So, occupants of buses and the vehicles with which buses collide are at risk of injury.
All persons injured in bus collisions or bus rollovers should seek medical assistance right away to ensure that their injuries are addressed. After receiving medical attention, write down everything you can recall about the accident. If you can photograph the scene or the vehicles involved, do so. Make a list of all pertinent information, such as witness names and phone numbers, if you are able. This is particularly true when many people are witnesses, or potential witnesses, like people on a crowded bus.
If you are on a bus involved in a collision, it is important that the investigating officer know that you were on that bus. Obviously, if your injuries are such that you are taken from the scene by ambulance, or if your injuries are obvious, the investigating officers should identify you as having been injured on the police report. If your injuries are not obvious at the scene, for example, if you are experiencing back or neck aches or pain, but not so much as to be transported by ambulance for medical attention, then make sure that you provide the investigating officer with your contact information. Many buses are equipped with internal cameras, which will depict what happens to bus occupants during a crash and that video can document that you were on the bus at the time. But, if the bus does not have internal video and if you do not identify yourself to the police at the time of the crash, the bus company may question whether you were even there at the time of the crash. It is always appropriate to inform the police that you are injured, but it is always better to wait until you have engaged legal counsel to make a statement to anyone regarding the accident and your specific injuries. Some injuries do not fully manifest themselves for hours or days after a collision. It’s always better to have guidance from counsel, to have time to reflect upon the accident, and to see how you have been affected by your injuries, than it is to make off-the-cuff comments to anyone. Even a polite comment, like “I’m alright”, can do damage to your claim.
Finally, get legal advice on your accident. Remember that the bus company’s lawyers and insurance adjusters will do everything they can to disclaim responsibility and to diminish, if not wholly dismiss, your claims. If you are without proper legal counsel, even if they know they are at fault, they will try to settle for far less than what you may be entitled to in the long run. Therefore, speak with an experienced bus accident attorney as soon as possible to get appropriate compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Can I Do To Protect Myself After A Bus Accident?
Bus cases can be complex, and they demand the urgent attention of an attorney, who has previously handled bus accident claims and who has a thorough understanding of how to prosecute these claims. Buses are public conveyances, of course, and public carriers have their own set of special rules and considerations. Bus accidents often involve many injured people, so those companies, and their insurers, act quickly to investigate, resolve and fight these claims. They have significant exposure for damages and vast resources to fight claims. They have capable and experienced lawyers, who are ready to fight any case you might file as a result of an accident, regardless of how seriously you are harmed. You need your own, capable lawyer to make sure you are fairly compensated.
What Are The Kinds Of Damages Available In A Bus Accident Case?
Many factors figure into the value of a motor vehicle claim. A good lawyer will seek to document and be able to present evidence to substantiate and support your claims and contentions. In fact, the more compelling your injury and damages documentation is, the less likely you will ever have to step foot into a courtroom to obtain fair compensation. Since we focus on documenting your losses and in establishing a strong position on liability, in the majority of circumstances, we can resolve claims without having to file lawsuits. If your case does lead to a lawsuit, goes to trial and you win, you may be awarded the following categories of damages:
1. Economic, or Special, Damages
Depending upon the jurisdiction, the award of damages may include present and future medical bills, lost wages or income, reduced earning capacity, and burial expenses, among others.
2. Non-economic damages
Depending upon the jurisdiction, the award of damages may include compensation for your pain or suffering, mental anguish, worry, fright and loss of enjoyment of life, among others.
3. Punitive damages
Depending upon the jurisdiction, if the defendant’s wrongful acts or omissions were intentional, egregious, reckless, or malicious, you may be awarded punitive, or exemplary, damages. These damages are to punish the defendant and deter such actions in the future.
How Long Do I Have To File A Lawsuit After A Bus Accident?
Statutes of limitation vary from state to state, so you should consult with an attorney as soon as you can after you are injured. You do not wish to miss your opportunity to present a claim because you have waited too long! Besides, the sooner you get your lawyer on your case, the better your evidence will be preserved and your claim will be documented. You wouldn’t want important documentation, such as vehicle safety regulations and driver logs, to be “misplaced” or destroyed over time. Ideally, it would be best if you started working with your attorney as soon as possible.
Top-Rated Bus Accident Lawyer In Savannah, GA

If you are hurt or have had any of your loved ones tragically injured or die from a bus accident, you must contact an experienced bus accident lawyer as soon as possible.
Thomas Hunter Law Firm is one of Savannah’s leading firms in personal injury law. We have over 40 years of experience wherein we have recovered substantial sums of money on behalf of our clients in Savannah and in surrounding communities. We have the skills and resources to ensure you get the medical care needed and the most compensation possible.
Escalators and elevators are commonplace in our daily lives, but when they malfunction, severe injuries and, in some circumstances, wrongful death can result. Clothing, shoelaces, or limbs can get caught in various parts of these devices. Escalators, for example, have landing grids, moving steps, skirts, and moving handrails, all of which create the possibility of an accidental injury, especially, if the device malfunctions. accident injury. If something goes wrong, you could be thrown to the ground, resulting in fractures, dislocations, or even facial and brain damage. Escalator injuries may be caused by malfunctions or a lack of inspection and maintenance. These injuries may include what might otherwise be considered as “slip or trip and fall” incidents.
Speak With An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney!
Call Thomas Hunter Law Firm At (912) 231-1116 Now!
Thomas Hunter Law Firm
7505 Waters Ave, A1 Savannah, GA 31406
(912) 231-1116