7 Signs You May Have A Medical Malpractice Case

Medical Malpractice Lawyer In Savannah, GA
Doctors and other healthcare workers routinely undertake heroic, life-saving work, but they can also make potentially fatal errors. Patients may be injured, or worse, dead as a result of medical blunders. It’s critical to gather your medical records and contact a medical malpractice lawyer about a medical malpractice lawsuit as soon as possible in situations like these.
At Thomas Hunter Law Firm in Savannah, GA, our Medical Malpractice Lawyer In Savannah, GA, will assist you in establishing whether you have a case and pursuing maximum compensation for your injuries. Mr. Hunter has spent over 40 years helping victims with medical malpractice claims obtain the most compensation possible.
7 Signs You May Have A Medical Malpractice Case
Here are several indicators that you might have a medical malpractice case:
1. The Treatment You’ve Been Given Hasn’t Worked.
You may have been misdiagnosed if your doctor prescribes a treatment that isn’t working. However, you’re more likely to get ill or sustain more damage if you get a misdiagnosis.
The patient is always the victim in these instances. If your doctor is treating you for an illness you don’t have, you’re suffering from another condition for which you’re not being treated. Because diseases tend to develop over time, your health may suffer while being treated for something you don’t have.
Furthermore, if you treat the ailment for which you were misdiagnosed, you risk developing hazardous adverse effects from your body exposure to a substance it did not require.
2. Your Doctor Doesn’t Address Your Concerns.
Anyone given a diagnosis is likely to have questions and concerns for their doctor. However, if your doctor doesn’t follow up with you, doesn’t provide you enough information, or is rushed, you aren’t getting good medical care.
Your healthcare provider should always listen to your concerns and thoroughly discuss treatment options, including getting second opinions.
3. Surgical Errors
Surgeries inherently have several dangers. However, doctors can entirely avoid some, but not others. Patients have filed and won lawsuits over surgical errors, like these:
- Complications, such as infections which occurred because doctors did not thoroughly sanitize the surgical tools.
- Sustained injuries due to a reckless placement on the operating table
- Leaving foreign items inside a patient
- Improper surgery, like removing the wrong body organ or tissue
These mistakes reflect negligence, and the surgeon and surgical team should be held accountable.
4. Death As A Result Of A Misdiagnosis
Death as a result of misdiagnosis might indicate a variety of things. It could include giving the wrong prescription to a patient, conducting an incorrect procedure, or simply neglecting a patient’s needs.
If you believe one of the indicators of malpractice above or something similar caused your loved one’s death, you should immediately contact an attorney.
5. A Member Of Your Medical Staff Admitted Fault
It can be challenging to prove this one because it can quickly devolve into a “he said, she said” situation.
If your doctor, nurse, or another medical team member accepts blame for an accident or death, a medical malpractice lawsuit should certainly be pursued.
Remember that doctors stand to lose a lot if they admit their mistakes. Thus, it’s unlikely that they will ever do so. That said, you will always need the assistance of an experienced attorney to help you prove your case.
6. Treatment Plan And Your Condition Do Not Match
Medical malpractice lawsuits frequently arise due to costly therapies that are far more complicated than the patient requires. Invasive testing and surgeries should rarely be used as a first resort. Typically, they are used only after less intrusive procedures have been exhausted.
You can always get a second opinion if you believe your doctor is going above and beyond what is medically-prudent.
7. New Symptoms
This one can be difficult to prove. However, if you develop new symptoms, supra-added symptoms, due to medical therapy, you may have a case for medical malpractice.
The new symptoms may be the result of carelessness, poor treatment, or something else. Mild pain in the surgical area is a common side effect in most surgeries, so it wouldn’t be a new symptom, but a physical therapy regimen that is too aggressive, too soon, following surgery, which results in new internal bleeding, new bone breaks or he like may be due to malpractice.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice occurs when a health care provider fails to perform within the appropriate standard of care, resulting in injury or death to a patient. In essence, a physician or other healthcare practitioner commits medical malpractice and is negligent when they fail to act reasonably under the circumstances, and the unreasonable behavior causes harm.
Who Do I Sue For Medical Malpractice Injuries?
Any qualified health care provider should give you professional medical care. Doctors, nurse practitioners, and hospital staff are all examples of this. Furthermore, a facility or firm and lab or x-ray workers with specific skills for operating complex medical equipment or interpreting test results may also be liable for malpractice. A hospital, an ambulance company, a pharmacy, or a nursing home may also commit medical negligence.
What Is The Most Common Reason For Malpractice?
According to numerous research findings, misdiagnosis is the most common cause of medical malpractice claims. Misdiagnosis is defined as the failure to diagnose a medical problem that exists or the making of an inaccurate medical diagnosis.
Professional Medical Malpractice Lawyer In Savannah, GA
Medical malpractice is a scary experience that no one should go through. However, if you believe a medical provider has misdiagnosed you or provider you with inadequate care that has caused you significant injury, you should seek legal advice.
Thomas Hunter Law Firm’s Savannah medical malpractice lawyer helps people harmed by medical mistakes and helps families who have lost loved ones due to medical errors.
Our experienced lawyer can assist you with your medical malpractice claim and fight for maximum compensation.
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Thomas Hunter Law Firm
7505 Waters Ave, A1 Savannah, GA 31406
(912) 231-1116