Savannah Dog Bite And Attacks Lawyer
Dog Bites And Attack Lawyers
Dogs are widely regarded as one of the most devoted pets and they are also known for being friendly and playful. However, dogs are naturally protective of their owners, since owners are members of their “pack”. Dogs can also be bred to be protective of property and aggressive to perceived intruders – think, guard dogs – which is why, in many cases, dogs will attack or bite others.
While any dog can become aggressive, data shows that some breeds are more likely to bite people than other breeds. A dog bite can be serious, if not life-threatening, and can demand extensive medical treatment, so it’s vital to act quickly to protect yourself or your family member once injured. A dog bite victim should get medical attention as soon as possible and consult with an attorney who can aid in bringing a claim or lawsuit against the owner of the dog that has attacked.
Working with an experienced personal injury attorney may enable you to get compensation for your injuries and other losses.
Dog Bites And Attacks: Everything You Need To Know
What Should I Do If A Dog Bites Me?
First, get medical attention. You may be able to make a claim against the owner or keeper of a dog that bites. Your lawyer will ask many questions during his investigation. Has the dog bitten anyone before? Was the dog provoked? Were you in a restricted area? Were you warned of the dangerous nature of the dog? Is the dog breed known to be aggressive? The reason the dog attacked, your knowledge of the dog and its proclivities and the extent of your injuries will all come into play. Even if you did not get bitten – say you were knocked off your bicycle by a charging dog that did not actually bite you – you may still have a claim if the dog was unrestrained and in a place you were free to be.
What Should I Do After A Dog Bite?
The first step is seeking medical attention and the second step is contacting a lawyer. Notifying the local animal control office needs to be done as well. You and your lawyer will need to identify the dog’s owner and learn as much as possible about the dog’s history and immunization status.
What Are Some Of The Most Common Dog Attack Injuries?
Dog attacks result in thousands of visits to the emergency room each year. Therefore, dog bite injuries should always be treated seriously, even if they appear small, because they pose risks of serious infections and other consequences. Injuries to small children, particularly, involve the risk of emotional trauma. The following are some of the most prevalent dog bite injuries:
1. Leg And Arm Injuries
Many people place their hands in front of their faces to defend themselves when attacked by a dog. But unfortunately, an aggressive dog’s toothy mouth may grasp onto hands and arms, ripping through muscle tissue and breaking the skin. In addition, a dog’s bite could be strong enough to break through the bone in some situations and with some larger breeds.
2. Disfigurement
After a dog bite attack, many victims are left with scars. When a dog bites and pulls pulls on an arm or limb, the skin may break, necessitating surgical intervention to close the wound with stitches. Almost all of these surgeries leave scars, which can be heartbreaking, especially if they happen on a child’s face. A childhood encounter with a vicious dog can leave that child traumatized and disfigured.
3. Emotional Injuries
Anyone who has been bitten by a dog can attest to how scary it is. During and after the attack, a victim will feel anxiety and pain. In addition, there may be long-term emotional or psychological trauma, such as a fear of dogs, a fear of going outside, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for victims who cannot cope with the emotional suffering caused by the incident. Because victims of dog bites may have tangible reminders of the attack every day, a scarred victim is more likely to experience residual psychological effects. Children may require counseling to understand their anger or anxiety, while adults may need treatment or medicine to recover from the trauma.
4. Infections
Dogs bite using their teeth and claws, which can harbor bacteria. Lacerations and puncture wounds caused by a dog bite can provide entry points for bacteria and other toxins to enter the body, allowing those circulate to other places inside the body. These infections can be serious, especially if the dog has not received proper immunizations and/or has rabies.
5. Death
An assault or bite by a dog can be lethal in some situations. For example, a dog that bites and punctures a major blood vessel creates a risk to the victim of serious blood loss and even death, if the blood flow cannot be stopped. Major arteries in the neck and leg are particularly at risk. If the bite is followed by shaking or tossing, there is the risk that the blood vessel will be shredded, making a closure to staunch the blood flow that much more difficult in the absence of trained medical intervention and care. Young children and the elderly are particular at risk in such situations.
Who Is Held Liable For A Dog Bite?
In dog bite injury cases, the person charged with the control of the dog is likely to be held responsible. Often, this is the dog’s owner, but it could be someone else, if the dog is placed under the control of that other person. The circumstances of each case will determine whether someone can be held responsible for a dog’s bad action. In some states, dogs can get what is sometimes called “one free bite”. That is, no one knew they were dangerous until they have that first bite attack. In other states, however, there is no “one free bite” and knowledge of the dog’s violent propensities is determined by other means. Your lawyer will know the law in his or her state.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is It Necessary To Hire A Lawyer If A Dog Has Injured Me?
If a dog has harmed you, you may wonder if you need a lawyer. An experienced dog bite lawyer will effectively present all claims on your behalf. Claims for bodily harm and, in some cases, coverage for direct medical payments fall in this category. In addition, your lawyer will interact with the insurance company charged with resolving your claim. Your lawyer will also be familiar with the insurance companies that handle these claims and will have experience negotiating a final settlement or litigating a case in court, if necessary.
How Much Is My Dog Bite And Attack Claim Worth?
Like any other personal injury claim, the value of a dog bite or dog injury claim is determined by a multitude of factors, including:
- The severity of your physical injury
- Duration of your symptoms
- Scarring or deformity
- Impairment to your daily activities
How Long Would It Take For My Dog Bite Or Injury Lawsuit To Be Settled?
The time it takes to recuperate is mainly determined by how long it takes you to recover from your injury. Your attorney should wait until you’ve reached maximum medical improvement before attempting to settle your case. This indicates that you are either completely healed or as close to being fully healed as possible. Your doctors, who will be treating your injuries, will make this decision. Your lawyer will try to settle the matter with the insurance company or the dog’s owner once your wounds have healed.
Top-Rated Dog Bite Lawyer In Savannah, GA
Thomas Hunter Law Firm is one of Savannah’s leading firms in personal injury law. We have experience getting appropriate compensation for people who have been bitten or attacked by dogs.
With over 40 years of experience, our law firm has successfully obtained settlements from personal injury cases by providing high-quality legal advice and representation to our clients.
To schedule an initial consultation or discuss your dog bite incident, contact us to determine if you have a claim.
A wrongful death claim can arise from any careless or criminal act that results in the death of another person. While the state may pursue criminal prosecution in connection with death; a wrongful death lawsuit is a civil action apart from any criminal proceedings and is brought by survivors of the deceased person. In a civil case, the burden of proof is lower than in a criminal prosecution, so the quantum of evidence necessary to win is lesser in a civil case than in a criminal case. Deaths that arise due to medical negligence, motor vehicle accidents, toxic torts, manufacturing problems, and criminal behavior may all lead to wrongful death litigation.